The South Beach Diet Menus

When dealing with the South Beach Diet menus, there are really several things to be considered and to be given attention.  It is for the fact that some of the things involved in the South Beach Diet menus are very important for a perfect result.

The South Beach Diet menus, as the term implies, is a set of food lists for the entire period of dieting.  It is interesting to know that the South Beach Diet menus are generally ordered depending on the three phases of the South Beach Diet. 

So the South Beach Diet menus for the first phase, since this initial phase lasts for two weeks, is basically set for the dieters to see a rapid weight loss of between 8-13 pounds during the phase.  The South Beach Diet menus are also set in this phase to let the dieters know exactly what are the prohibited foods and to found out that within the first few days such cravings for prohibited foods disappear.  As such, the South Beach Diet menus are generally set the first phase for an initial discipline.  And from the South Beach Diet menus list, one will note that this phase is indeed the most restrictive of the diet.  To mention but a few samples of the sets included in the South Beach Diet menus under the first phase, it is evident that there includes 2 poached eggs with lean bacon and decaffeinated tea or coffee for the breakfast; celery with 75g low-fat cottage cheese for snack; red pepper stuffed with feta and chopped vegetables for lunch; a wedge of low-fat cheese for snack; and poached salmon with Greek salad for dinner. 

During the second phase of the diet, the South Beach Diet menus are not really set with time limits as to how long the dieter should remain on it.  With the South Beach Diet menus in this phase, the dieters are advised to hold on phase two until they reach the goal weight.  And it is interesting to know that with the set South Beach Diet menus, the weight loss in this phase lowers down to 1-2 pounds per week.  It is for the reason that some of the foods that were not included in the South Beach Diet menus during the phase one are now re-introduced into the South Beach Diet menus. 

Finally, during the phase three, the South Beach Diet menus are not at all a major concern for the reason that this phase is the one that should last for life.  So what is included in the South Beach Diet menus during the first phase and the second phase should be incorporated in the third phase.  It is then necessary that by now the dieters should have changed the eating habits for the best, both in the things they eat and the way they cook.  So the South Beach Diet menus then served as a great standard for eating so for better results.


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