South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet Compared

The South Beach Diet and Atkins Diet are the most popular version of weight loss program in the whole world.  With this popularity, many nutritionists have a hard time of deciding which one is the best.  And with this confusion on the part of the weight loss experts, the subject for South Beach Diet, Atkins Diet comparison emerged.

The South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison greatly stands depending on the quality and the functions of each diet program.  At first glance, the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet qualities and functions may seem similar.  Many noted that the similarities to show the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison are really striking. 

The main common ground for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison is the fact that both diets claim to lose body weight mainly through the method of stabilizing the insulin levels.  Another noted ground for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison is the reason that reduced carbohydrate intake is the sole centerpiece of both diets. 

Numerous studies that are conducted for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison also considered that another common ground for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison is the notion that both diets grants fairly unrestricted protein consumption, and both of the diets require an induction period of at least two weeks, during which no carbs are allowed, and after which the carbohydrates are eventually added to the diet.

Besides, there is also another support for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison which states that though the South Beach Diet more readily accepts that dieters are subject to lapse, and the Atkins diet likely to be more strictly controlled and stickler, the white flour and sugar are verboten in both programs.  

However, the grounds for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison are not at all exact basis for concluding that both diets are the same for the fact there are still some important distinctions to support the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison.  One of the distinctions which support for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison is that in the South Beach Diet, there will be no feasting on ribs, no regular cheese omelets, and no pork rinds drizzled in butter sauce. 

Whereas, the Atkins diet fully catered to saturated fats.  So with this information alone, it is then understandable that another possible ground for the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison is by looking at its recommended foods. 

Another distinction to support the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparison is by knowing the fact that the South Beach Diet is more catered to vegetables and some fruits than the Atkins diet.  It is noted then that the South Beach Diet only constrains saturated fats, which are long known as the cause for heart disease and other ailments. 

With so many studies on the South Beach Diet, Atkins diet comparisons, many diet experts was then able to say that the South Beach Diet is the healthy version of the Atkins diet that was backed by concrete evidence on fats and heart disease.  As such, they eventually conclude that the South Beach Diet is the first prime weight loss plan that recommends a healthy diet. 


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