The South Beach Diet and Diabetes

Developed by Dr. Arthur Agatston, the South Beach Diet is the latest version of decreased carbohydrate diets like the Atkins diet and the Zone diet.  However, the principles behind the South Beach Diet are not at all fresh for they are tried and tested. 

Today, many people often question the connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes.  Perhaps it is for the fact that the South Beach Diet is originally developed for the purpose of lowering the levels of cholesterol for heart patients and those with diabetes.  With this fact, the connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes intensifies. 

So what then is the connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes?

As it is stated above, the obvious reason for showing the connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes is that the South Beach Diet is primarily developed for heart patients and those with diabetes.  Speaking with the nature of diabetes to better show the bond between the South Beach Diet and diabetes, it is important to know that diabetes is mainly divided into two major types: the Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. 

It is noted that the bond between the South Beach Diet and diabetes is shown for the fact that the main cause for diabetes is the low level of insulin and with that the South Beach Diet is believed to give more levels of insulin to the body.  

Another notable connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes is the fact that the diabetes greatly develop with people who are overweight.  As such, the best advice to reduce the risk of developing diabetes is by losing weight, and with that the role of the South Beach Diet plays a part.  Why?  

Well, it is for the main reason that the South Beach Diet is a weight loss program and as such the diabetic patients engaging in South Beach Diet may lose weight, and eliminate cravings without feeling hungry.  So with this clear connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes, it may then be possible for the doctor to decrease the amount of medication that the patients need. 

Besides, the connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes is one of the major subjects of most researches.  And with those available resources, the South Beach Diet and diabetes are fully given much emphasis.  Also of important consideration that shows the connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes is the fact that the diabetes is said to be caused by a high level of cholesterol.  

So with that, the South Beach Diet will then help the diabetic patients to lower their cholesterols and so reduce their risk of diabetes.  With this main connection between the South Beach Diet and diabetes, the diet is then known as the “updated version of the Atkins diet”.

With the bond between the South Beach Diet and diabetes, numerous resources were able to state that if someone is a diabetic patient, he or she has little choice but to accept the long-term change.  In fact, the South Beach Diet will be effective is someone will just stick to it and follow the set guidelines for a better result. 


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