The Diet South Beach and Its Three Phases

The diet South Beach continues to affect the lives of many dieters today.  And in contrast to what most of the people often think with the diet South Beach, it is important to note that the diet South Beach is neither a low-carb diet nor a low-fat diet.  It is interesting to know that the diet South Beach has the main purpose to teach the people, especially the dieters to rely on the right carbohydrates and the right fats.  This purpose is set to enable the people to live quite happily without the bad carbohydrates and bad fats. 

In the diet South Beach, important considerations are included for making it perfect.  So for that, the diet South Beach is divided into three phases: the banishing your cravings; Reintroducing carbohydrates; and a diet for life.

In the first phase of the diet South Beach in which the people titled it “Banishing Your Cravings” actually takes for two weeks.  During this phase of the diet South Beach, the dieter is only allowed to eat normal size helpings for meat, chicken, turkey, fish, and shellfish.  Also in this phase of the diet South Beach, the dieter is also granted to eat plenty of vegetables, eggs, cheese, and nuts.  Aside from that, there also include salads with real olive oil in the dressing.  It is indeed important to note that in this phase of the diet South Beach, the dieter have three balanced meals per day, and it will be their task so that their craving is satisfied.

Besides, under the first phase of the diet South Beach, the dieter will be urged to have snacks in the mid-morning and mid-afternoon, whether they want it or not.  Also there should be dessert after the dinner.  The dieter is as well allowed to drink water, plus coffee or tea if he or she wishes.

During the second phase of the diet South Beach, it is important to note that what were excluded during the first phase is now permitted in this second phase of the diet South Beach.  With such fact, it is no doubt that the second phase of the diet South Beach is called “Reintroducing Carbs”.  However, the dieters should still remain in the phase two and continue losing weight until their goal is reached.  How long it takes depends largely on how much they need to lose. 

And the third phase of the diet South Beach which is then termed “A Diet for Life” is actually the last phase that lasts the rest of the dieter’s life.  When the dieter gets to this point of the diet South Beach, he or she will notice that the diet South Beach plan feels less like a diet and more like a way of life.  You can in fact forget the diet South Beach as long as you remember to live by its few fundamental rules. 


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