The South Beach Diet Plan

Weight loss is what most of the dieters dreamed today.  And the search for the best diet program still continues as the number of people who are concerned about it grows.  Of course there are so many diets to select from in today’s society.  There are the low-fat diets, low-carbohydrate diets, reduced-calorie diets, and low protein diets, to mention but a few.  And now, here comes the fresh competitor within this arena, and this is the introduction of the South Beach Diet plan. 

The South Beach Diet plan has amazingly taken the whole continent of America by storm, and now, the South Beach Diet is set to do the same impact worldwide.  But what actually is the South Beach Diet plan?

The South Beach Diet plan is highly contrasted from any other forms of diet plans.  Why?  It is mainly for the fact that the South Beach Diet plan does not rely on the low carbohydrates or low fat.  Instead, the main purpose of such diet plan is to discipline the people, especially the dieters to rely on the right carbohydrates and fat.  Aside from that, the South Beach Diet plan is designed to teach the people on how to avoid the “worst” ones. 

In such sense, the South Beach Diet plan is further contrasted from one of the hottest diet plan that also swept the continent of America and worldwide – the Atkins Diet.  Unlike the Atkins Diet plan, the South Beach Diet Plan does not entail removing a particular food group.  Whereas the Atkins Diet relies primarily on the no carbs and limitless proteins and fats, this diet plan seems to be rooted around a balanced and healthy eating regime.  There is somehow a sense of “yin-yang” in such plan. 

In the South Beach Diet Plan, the good carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruit and vegetables, are highly recommended, as are unsaturated fats.  Although, most of the people are still concerned on the proper form of exercise and healthy eating plans, in the South Beach Diet plan it is not a necessity, even though such is proven to help speed up the weight loss.

From such information, it is also interesting to know that the South Beach Diet plan works on the principle which holds that weight gain is primarily caused by sugars and starches being taken into the bloodstream too quickly.  This new trend to the diet arena is not only intended for those who wanted to loss weight.  Numerous studies have shown that the South Beach Diet plan can aid to reduce cholesterol as well as to minimize the risk of cardiovascular problems.  Satisfying the hunger is a big part for the South Beach Diet plan, as it requires both determination and willpower. 


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