South Beach Diet

South Beach Diet – a word that is commonly heard but is seldom understood.  This is just another truth behind the emergence of such thing.  So what’s then is the big deal?  Well, in this page you will find some facts about the South Beach Diet and what is all about it.  After all, I am sure that you love to get on with losing weight ready for summer, right?

Well, the South Beach Diet is being considered as another “big thing” that the slimming world has ever introduced.  But where exactly did the South Beach Diet come from?  Here’ the answer: the South Beach Diet was actually formulated by a person named Dr. Arthur Agatston after the truth that some of his patients were having little success by using the said to be conventional low carb – high fat diet plans like the Atkins diet which is also known from around the globe. 

Dr. Arthur Agatston, being then a cardiologist and knowing the condition of his patients, has a main concern of finding a diet that will to a perfect healthy heart.  Finding no such source for that diet, he decided to formulate his own diet plan and that was become known as the South Beach Diet. 

According to the testimony of Dr. Agatston, since the introduction of the South Beach Diet, many people who followed the South Beach Diet actually lost an average of 13.6 pounds almost double the 7.5 pounds lost by those who use the strict “Step II” of the American Heart Association (AHA) diet.  Along with that, there also found that with the use of the South Beach Diet many people were showed to have greater decreases in their waist-to-hip ration and triglycerides, and their good to bad cholesterol ratio even improved more. 

Generally, the South Beach Diet, in a word, is not considered as a low carbohydrate diet as it is commonly associated.  It is for the fact that the idea behind the South Beach Diet is to lose weight in a way that is healthy for those who take it, in particular the dieters. 

The South Beach Diet then unlike the low carbohydrate diets is usually taken by having the dieter choose between the good and bad carb foods.  As such, the dieter is required to eat more fruits and even entire grain bread when it is contrasted to other low carb diets.  So, in the South Beach Diet, there is somewhat a sense of “yin and yang”, that it is more balanced than any other low carb diets in the whole world. 


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